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Interview with Noah Balshi

Whats your name 

Noah Balshi


How long have you been doing art for

I've been shooting pictures for a while. When I was little I would analyze the composition of photographs I saw.I learned from my Dad. When I was a kid I saw all the pictures he took from his travels and I wanted to be able to do it.  A couple years ago I started messing around with various darkroom techniques. 


How old are you 



Where you from 

bethlehem Pa


What kind of art do you do 

Mostly Photography but I've messed with assorted drawing styles and sculpting


Which one do you do the most 

Film photography




Why do you do that type of art the most

With photography I feel like you can freeze any moment or experience in a singular frame or series of frames. Especially with film. With film photography there are many mechanics that you need to focus on. Film photography is a delicate and time consuming process, if you don't know what you are doing you could ruin the whole roll. You only have so many exposures. With each shot you take you don't know how it came out, you can't check. On digital you can take as many pictures as you want and if you don't like them you can delete them and try again. Film is much more raw. It feels more real, when you look back at the photos it takes you back to when you clicked the shutter release. 


Have you been in any gallery’s recently 

Yea I was in a crazy gallery out west in Arizona. It was an old hotel from the '20s on Route 66 called La Posada with a gallery in the upstairs. The gallery was by a woman named Tina Mion, she was the wife of the owner. The atmosphere of the place was wild, it felt like I was in the shining or something.  It was surreal walking through I can't even describe it, it was a crazy experience. 


Any big projects happening 

I don't know? I'm sitting on a lot of stuff right now. I have a couple blank canvases sitting around. I have all my negatives and some old prints. I still have nine rolls of film that need to be developed. I have one hand rolled canister of black and white film of only 12 exposures. I want to do something cool with. But I was thinking of doing something with some old prints and some digital stuff thrown in. 


Any big plans 

Moving to Philly in a month. trying to keep skating and keep making music I guess haha.


Any words to the people 

Do what you want. Keep Trying new things, keep art progressive. Have fun with your art, if your not having fun or like doing it, is it really worth doing? 


Anything you wish you coulda talked about 

I think I covered everything, music I guess.


Have any shameless plugs you want to give

Melonplant - the band I tried to make with some friends haha











Noah Balshi

Noah Balshi

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